MWC Committees
Outreach Committee
One element of the Methow Watershed Council's mission is to provide public education and information regarding water use and management in the Methow Valley. The MWC hosts free public community presentations and discussions regarding water resources and other topics related to water management, quantity and use. In 2023, the MWC provided four public education and information events. Look for a preview of 2024 events in the next couple of months. Go to the Outreach Page
Policy Committee
The MWC recognizes its unique role in the community as a source of current and historic water information with the ability to advise local policy makers. The Policy Committee's work is to review, analyze, and advise the Council on local, county, state or national policies that impact water in WRIA 48 and inform the work and priorities of the Council. The committee may also explore new policies at the discretion of the Council.
Technical Committee
The Technical Committee is defining it's focus on its main project, a drought response plan for the Methow. Its initial goals are to:
Increase community understanding and awareness of local consequences of severe drought
Identify steps to increase resilience and decrease vulnerability of the sectors and members of the community most vulnerable to drought
Develop mitigation response plans to implement in the event of a declared drought emergency
In addition, the Technical Committee plans to continue working with Valley irrigators.
Past projects of the Technical Committee: Water Accounting Project
Water Banking Committee
The Water Banking Committee works to monitor public involvement opportunities in forming the new OCD Water Bank, including framing priorities for use, making sure feedback opportunities are used, and working with Outreach on further presentations.